Rlyconfused and I went to a store that shall not be named today to buy my wonderfully sweet Tony birthday presents. Good times were had by all… rlyconfused got a plant and named it green. I got Tony a bunch of stuff and it’s sitting in the trunk of my car waiting to be ferried up to my room and into the closet… or under the bed… or in a cabinet… if you’re reading this Tony, you won’t find the presents… I know how to hide them by now.
When do we give him presents because I need to order mine, and I’m not sure when they will get here.
On his birthday… that’s the 27th soooo….. next wednesday.
Hey Tan the Man, I just noticed that the am and pm insignia is wrong when someone posts a comment.
Maybe more tinkering is in order.
Another test…
Another test…
You silly man.