I want to get drunk tonight.
The guys don’t seem to interested.
Tan the Man got me Sorry for christmas (you remember Sorry, that kids game where you can knock people back to start if you land on their square) and I want to play a game called Sorry Shots. It’s simple. Everytime you get “Sorried” and knocked back to start, you take a shot of a liquor of your choice (we have chai cream, baileys, vanilla vodka, and Jagermeilter). It’s going to be awesome… if I can get the guys into it. I like drinking! I can’t help it! And I especially like drinking games. Making other people drink is a lot of fun.
So the drinking will commence, in an hour or two. That’s acceptable. I just want these guys to have some fun! And if I get a little tipsy in the process, so be it.
OK, so we all got drunk.
teehehehe… BLUB I hope you’re reading this!!!! You could be here with Tan the Man and rlyconfused and me. Brown Eyed Girl, getting drunk off of your ASS!!! IT’s aawesome.
muahahaha i am EVil. Lov e it. it’s like totally aweo=some. Oh aman. who else is reainding this? Cus I’ve had like ten shots and three beers lupslus a aglass of sinwine and like TWO glassess of wine. yeah.
Do you want to plya a game ? Lets play a agaoeme.yes. games are ogogooesd. ggggggggggoooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddd. I am god. sorry kristen, but i ama. Yes, i am the now ewnew jesus. love it. rosableeellle i folove it. you awesome liiek totally. tan the ma n are you dogoing to gellddelete this
>? yes
mamaybe, lose you moama.
love your mama. it’s importsant. mthey olove it when you love the.m
feel sexy.
that’s imprortant.
wow, you really were drunk, weren’t you?
yeah I was.
*hangs her head in shame*