Yeah, we went on a picnic. And Teddy Bear did go (rlyconfused) as did Tan the Man, Tony, Will, Andy, our Friendly Neighbor, and me. It was fun. Tan the Man should post pics that we took with rlyconfused’s camera. The lake was actually a river and I fully intend to go back and fish in it. It was surprisingly natural… well, I guess what I mean by that is that there was a lot of wildlife around, and evidence of a lot more. We saw a lot of deer and raccoon tracks. Raccoon tracks are so cute, they look like little human hands. That’s probably where a lot of mythology started about little people.
Stupid paper. I’m actually killing time so I don’t have to write it. It’s easy, I don’t know why I don’t want to do it. It’s just work and work sucks. *sigh*