Last night’s concert at Cafe Du Nord was pretty good. For some odd reason there was a huge line to get into the club. Usually the line is nonexistent, but I guess many people were like K-Fan and me and bought our tickets online and held them at Will Call.
The opening act Eleni Mandell was surprisingly good. She was very mellow, maybe a little too mellow because there were times that I forgot I was even at a concert listening to her. My mind just wandered. I grabbed an old poster she was handed out. Nice poster. Too bad it wasn’t for this concert.
We waited a while after Eleni sang two encore songs before Erin McKeown came out. Her energy was incredibly infectious. I was surprised she was so boisterous. She played a lot of songs from her recent album Sing You Sinners which features covers of many classic and old songs. “Girls” is very cute song about the species I love most. “Salt Truck” I think was K-Fan’s favorite.
K-Fan was very vocal throughout the concert. Before a song Erin has about a form of lovemaking, she hinted at it by saying there is something we do on our knees. K-Fan screams “Say it!” Erin replies “Say it? It’s better to write a song about it.” Hah. K-Fan + alcohol = fun fun fun.
There were two girls in front of us that we thought kept hinting at us to talk to them. One of cute and the other was really cute. But they were with some guy so that would have been awkward. Oh well.
Here are some pics: