My replacement Asus P5W DH Deluxe motherboard finally shipped on Friday. I have been without my desktop, which is currently in pieces on my floor, for the past two weeks. 
The reason that my computer hasn't been working to the best of its abilities for the past three weeks is a blasted power supply that is the only power supply that doesn't work well with my motherboard. Curses!
In "Stuff"
Geez. This has been a terrible week. Not having that much free time since I work 8-5 isn't that bad. But not having a fully functional computer that I've been trying to build just plain sucks. For the past week, right when I get home I start to work on…
In "Everyday"
Grrr. I hate it when this happens. I bought Six Feet Under seasons 1-3 at (ashamed to say) for $107 + S&H + tax. Well it shipped the other day, so I'm waiting for it to arrive. I am an idiot. Wal-Mart just lowered the price and made it…
In "Stuff"