I caught this website by chance and I was stunned by its design. Rocky Mountain News has a super clean website, with probably the best placed features of any magazine-style website I’ve seen yet.
It could possibly be cited as cluttered, but with so much information on the site could you possibly imagine a better way to deal with all of it than Rocky has.
The below-the-fold part of the website boasts nicely placed sub-features like the AJAX box of most viewed/most emailed/most discussed and the poll and calendar boxes.
The site uses a neutral color scheme, but I would have liked it to be a more lighter grey so that those features aren’t highlighted quite as much. Also, a nice bigger-than-usual photo section could add more to the site.
Very nice.
Dorksandlosers has finally hit his long-awaited Battlefield 2 milestone of 2nd Lieutenant.
It’s about time.
I’m so happy.