Mike Lane creates an amusing cartoon (January 14.2009) depicting the English language’s saving grace in George W. Bush leaving the White House.
Mike Lane creates an amusing cartoon (January 14.2009) depicting the English language’s saving grace in George W. Bush leaving the White House.
Dear Fellow Cartoonists:
I am pleased to invite you once again to select and submit your five best cartoons of 2010 for consideration in the upcoming Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2011 Edition. This edition will mark the thirty-ninth year of publication of this series.
Please note that this year’s deadline for cartoon submissions is Wednesday, September 22, 2010. Some 165 of you participated in the last edition, and I look forward to hearing from you once again. As in the past, your cartoons may be submitted electronically or by mail. All cartoons should be sent to me by way of the publisher, Pelican Publishing Company.
Electronic Submissions
If you submit electronically, send your five cartoons as an e-mail attachment to me at bec@pelicanlists.com. Files should be a minimum of 300 dpi at 100 percent of cartoon size and may be sent in either TIF or JPG format and as line art or gray scale, depending on the original. If you have technical questions, please contact Pelican’s production manager, Terry Callaway, at (504) 368-1175, ext. 320.
Mail Submissions
If you prefer to submit by mail, send your five selections to me at BEC, 11017 North Oak Hills, Baton Rouge, LA 70810.
For those of you who have asked, the September cartoon deadline is necessary in order for the new edition to be available for the Christmas season. Just before going to press, we will add a chapter on the important November 2 congressional elections. Follow-up cartoons, limited to the November 2 election results, should be e-mailed to bec@pelicanlists.com by November 4 for consideration.
As members of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists are aware, the AAEC has received royalties from the sales of this series every year since the book’s inception. Thank you again for your continuing interest and participation.
Remember the deadline for this year’s submissions is September 22.
Charles Brooks
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year