I was browsing the Yahoo! homepage when I noticed that “Twilight: Breaking Dawn” was #4 on “Trending Now.”
So, I clicked the link, and it brought me to Yahoo’s recently announced revamped search page.

The biggest change is the use of AJAX tabs that help filter between related content of “Stories,” “Images,” “Videos,” and “Twitter.” It’s funny that for a movie as big as a Twilight sequel that the search page would also give you an “Overview” tab similar to the one that Toy Story 3 gets in the TechCrunch article.
But I’ll have to admit that the new search page is “more visually pleasing” and actually is somewhat “blurring between typing in a query and getting a bunch of a links.” Still, I like that Yahoo! is finally showing interest in refreshing itself every once in a while.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been selected to try a revamped Yahoo! Mail. Soon, I hope.