The lovely Kelly Adams poses as the lovely Kylie Minogue in the Season 6 Premiere of Hustle (“And This Little Piggy Had Money,” S06E01).

For the record, Kelly lip-synced to Kylie’s “Can’t Get You Out of My Head” from the 2001 album Fever.
[screen captures via BBC]
Update: Edited.
"All you have to do is find someone who wants something for nothing, and give him nothing for something." -- Mickey Stone (Adrian Lester) in Hustle
In "Babes"
There might not be a more clichéd genre of film than the caper, although the romantic comedy sure does get close. With that in mind, there probably wouldn't be a more clichéd genre of television than the caper.
In "Entertainment"
The lovely Kate Beckinsale at the 2009 Grammy Awards.
In "Babes"