Argus Hamilton On John Edwards’ Mistress Being Exposed By National Enquirer

“National Enquirer editors said they monitored the hotel room where John Edwards spent six hours with his mistress last month. They sent a team of reporters. No one wants to say who called in the story to the tabloid, but the next time you get a $400 haircut in Beverly Hills, you’d better leave an appropriate tip.” — Argus Hamilton on John Edwards’ mistress being exposed by National EnquirerContinue reading…Argus Hamilton On John Edwards’ Mistress Being Exposed By National Enquirer

Argus Hamilton On Hillary Clinton’s Recent Visit To The West Bank

“Israel announced Monday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit the West Bank and Israel next week. She’s going to lecture the Israelis and the Palestinians on how to live side by side, even though they hate each other. No one’s better qualified.” — Argus Hamilton on Hillary Clinton’s recent visit to the West Bank … Continue reading…Argus Hamilton On Hillary Clinton’s Recent Visit To The West Bank

Jay Leno On Sarah Palin’s Interview With Charlie Gibson

“If you watched TV last weekend, you know that ABC’s Charlie Gibson did something John McCain has never done — interviewed Sarah Palin. At one point, Gibson asked about the Bush Doctrine, and she didn’t know what it was. But to be fair, even Bush doesn’t know what it is.” — Jay Leno on Sarah Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson … Continue reading…Jay Leno On Sarah Palin’s Interview With Charlie Gibson