Argus Hamilton On Caroline Kennedy’s U.S. Senate Seat Run

“Caroline Kennedy embarked last week on a listening tour of upstate New York where she was swarmed by fans and well-wishers and supporters. It’s a good civics lesson to Illinois voters. A U.S. Senate seat is not a sales item, it’s a birthright.” — Argus Hamilton on Caroline Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat run … Continue reading…Argus Hamilton On Caroline Kennedy’s U.S. Senate Seat Run

Argus Hamilton On Dennis Kucinich Before The House Judiciary Committee

“Dennis Kucinich appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Friday and laid out his case for impeaching President Bush for lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. The president’s best bet is to plead ignorance. He can prove that.” — Argus Hamilton on Dennis Kucinich before the House Judiciary Committee … Continue reading…Argus Hamilton On Dennis Kucinich Before The House Judiciary Committee

Argus Hamilton On Hillary Clinton’s Appearance At A Barack Obama New Hampshire Rally

“Hillary Clinton appeared with Barack Obama at a rally in New Hampshire Friday to show her unconditional support for him. She acted like she meant it, and he acted like he believed it. One day, used care salesmen will study this tape in advanced training sessions.” — Argus Hamilton on Hillary Clinton’s Appearance at a Barack Obama New Hampshire rally … Continue reading…Argus Hamilton On Hillary Clinton’s Appearance At A Barack Obama New Hampshire Rally