D&L v3.0b Is Up

I spent a few hours last night trying to work on Dorks And Losers version 3.0, but there were so many kinks in it that I wasn’t satisfied with it. Fast forward to now and I think I got it to where I’m fine with it, but not quite. Hence the beta tag. … Continue reading…D&L v3.0b Is Up

D&L Makeover?

During my minutes of studying, I thought about changing D&L. I think I’ll start with small tweaks with the site to suit my fancy, but I think a full makeover wouldn’t be out of the question. I’ll try to start next month, but that means a lot of work on my part. Last time, I spent about five hours to tweak a Wordpress theme to fit my specs. Hmm. I’m just babbling now. … Continue reading…D&L Makeover?