D&L Pictures

Ah man. Finally got the Flickr photo badge up and running again. It took many emails from customer support, but I finally got it to work. Apparently Flickr changed the tag on my photo group. Instead of D&L, my photos were changed to DL without my knowing. That’s why none of my photos were displayed. I changed the html to use dl instead of d&l and it worked. Thank God. … Continue reading…D&L Pictures

D&L Hits The 600 Unique Vistors Milestone

The impossible has finally arrived. After months of believing this day would have come, it has finally come. Dorks And Losers has finally reached its 600 unique vistor mark. For many reasons, this didn’t happen for September or October, but November reached this milestone. Sadly, my dream of hitting 1000 by December probably won’t happen, but it will someday. … Continue reading…D&L Hits The 600 Unique Vistors Milestone

D&L Update

Finally, I’m done updating dorksandlosers.com. It took a while, but all my nitpicking, I think, has paid off. The site looks great and there aren’t any major kinks. Although I think there might be a problem with viewing the site in Internet Explorer. Someone, who uses IE, might need to tell me. … Continue reading…D&L Update