Conan O’Brien On A New York Times Report Questioning John McCain’s Presidential Eligibility

“The New York Times once again raised the issue that John McCain may not be eligible to be president because he’s not a natural-born U.S. citizen. Apparently, McCain was born outside the 13 colonies.” — Conan O’Brien on a New York Times report question John McCain’s presidential eligibility … Continue reading…Conan O’Brien On A New York Times Report Questioning John McCain’s Presidential Eligibility

Jimmy Kimmel On Paris Hilton’s Retaliating Political Ad On John McCain

“After John McCain made a political ad that featured Paris Hilton… she fired back with her own political ad calling Sen. McCain a wrinkly, white-haired guy, and talked about her energy policy, which until this point, has been vodka.” — Jimmy Kimmel on Paris Hilton’s retaliating political ad on John McCain … Continue reading…Jimmy Kimmel On Paris Hilton’s Retaliating Political Ad On John McCain